My first blog post! A little bit about me and the page


Thanks so much for following and having a read of my first ever blog post. (Im so excited!!)

So my first blog, I thought I would introduce myself a bit more!!

How I got started? So I’m Karen, stay at home mum of three! So I’m at a bit of a crossroads. My three kids have started school and playschool, do I return to work? Do I continue with Motherofalldeals on Instagram and Facebook page?? What to do???

I left my career after my 3rd child, to be a stay at home mum. I was working full time as an accountant in a large International firm in Dublin. I decided to stay at home after my third child was born, as I had two children a year apart! This left a gaping hole in our household budget, so I stepped up the search for products that I love and that I would recommend to other mums. I would look out for them on offer or a discount code.

I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be as a stay at home mum (but also how rewarding it is). But I got to a point where I wanted something for me! There were days when my husband would come home from work and ask,

“So, who did you talk to today?” …….. mmmmm……. nobody! "

(Only the kids!!) I didn’t even go outside, other than going out to the bin! It can be very isolating and lonely at times.

So I started going out, I got a double buggy and went out walking. I would walk around the shops and look out for bargains. The first day of back to school, when all the kids left, the quietness of an empty house kicked in.

So now, I love to get out and have a look around the shops. I love visiting farmer markets, where I find good quality food and flowers. I visit local charity shops, where you can pick up gems.

As you can tell, I am a shopaholic!! I always have been. Now I need to be more aware of my shopping habits and to be more aware of our household budget! But realistically; finding the best value for money. I also need to be aware, not to buy unnecessary items just because they are on sale!  This statement is so big one for me to say…I’m so guilty of doing this…. I get so excited to see an item on sale, I just pick it up, but I’m learning to pick up bits that I know will be used. So now I ask myself “Do I need this?” & “How many times will I wear it?” I like to pick up clothes that I can wear in all seasons, either layer up or down! And always remember it’s only a bargain if you really need it!!! I seem to need a lot lately!! I do love to treat myself too, so I do buy items that are not on sale too, but only items that I absolutely love and that I know will sell out very quickly.

Since setting up the page, the amount of local and online bargains that I’ve found are fantastic. I loved working closely with local shops, to bring my followers exclusive news, discounts and competitions.

I would like to show people, to be on a lower budget, it does not mean you have to cut on quality. I love finding great quality items, that is reduced due to being out of season or at the end of line. I always think ahead, I know big events happen every year and I budget (sometimes doesn’t always happen that way!) but for the likes of “Back to School”, Christmas, Wedding, Holiday, birthdays etc…. I suppose its all about being organized and knowing when the sales are going to start!

I am a shopaholic at heart! I love receiving messages from my followers about how I have helped them save money…

I hope the blog helps you save money and gives you an insight to your local community and days out with your family.

My website is a new addition to my growing following on Facebook and Instagram. Facebook was where it all started, but I am now finding Instagram growing at a faster rate, with my biggest following and engagement. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Motherofalldeals! The dream is to get bigger and better!

Thanks so much for all your support and for reading x x


PS The main reason that I try to live frugally, is so we can have money to do things together as a family.  Because to me, it’s ALL ABOUT FAMILY x x

Karen Manning